The purchase invoice is based on a pre-approved order or contract in our procurement system.
Sending Purchase Order
Orders are sent by SmartOrder as a default. Smartorder is sent to the email address vendor has informed and includes a link to electronic purchase order where vendor can accept, reject or propose a change to Purchase Order. Accepting the order is treated as an order confirmation and should be done on the working day following receipt of the order.
Vendor can also receive orders via Basware Supplier Portal. From portal vendor can see previous orders and other documents shared with Elisa and Purchase Order can flip PO straight to e-Invoice after delivery.
Link to Supplier Portal registration
Contract based recurring invoices
No separate order will be sent for recurring invoices. The supplier and the buyer will jointly agree on a unique reference (contract number), billing period and billing frequency for recurring invoices. It is recommended to separate invoices by business locations or shops to maximise invoice automation.
Supplier register
Our suppliers' data is validated through public registers as part of Elisa's risk management policy. We also send regular surveys to our contracted suppliers, please ensure that
- your company's details are up to date in our database and that your company's tax records
- pre-tax registration and, where the quality of service so requires, Contractor’s Obligations and Liability documents are in order in the Vastuu Group's Reliable Partner Service
Changes in Vendor master data
Changes in receiving orders
Please inform your contact person in case of changes to receiving orders from Elisa
- e-mail address changes
- your company wants to receive order via Basware SupplierPortal instead of Smart Order (e-mail)
Changes in bank account number
- In case vendor sends invoices via Supplier Portal, update the company basic information in the portal, and bank account is updated automatically for future invoices
- Otherwise, Accounts Payable team will contact you and confirm the change
Contact information