Responsible supply chain

Cooperation with over 5,000 suppliers and subcontractors is a vital part of the responsible development of our business. Active cooperation ensures that the quality and responsibility goals are reached in the different parts of the supply chain.

Responsibility of purchasing is guided by Elisa’s Code of Ethical Purchasing, Elisa's Code of Conduct, compliance with the Act on Contractor’s Obligations and Liability, and Elisa’s policies, instructions and principles. We require compliance with laws and statutes and the prevention of bribery from all of our partners and subcontractors. 

When signing an agreement, suppliers and their subcontractors are expected to respect with Elisa’s Code of Ethical Purchasing, that is based on the ILO conventions, the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations’ Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

In addition to that we expect that suppliers and their subcontractors take care of efficient use of limited resources and reducing harmful environmental emissions. Suppliers can report any defects or misconduct in the manner laid down in the Elisa Code of Conduct, also anonymously, see Whistleblowing

We are a member of the international Joint Alliance for CSR (JAC) network of telecom operators. The aim of this cooperation is to improve accountability and transparency in supply chains by conducting social and environmental responsibility assessments and audits in the supply chain according to jointly defined criteria.

Responsible sourcing and ethical purchasing constitute an important dimension in Elisa’s supply chain management. Responsibility is one of Elisa’s values and it is a principle that we expect also from our suppliers. 
  • CDP Supply Chain Member

    CDP is a non-profit organisation that over the past 20 years has created a platform to support companies’ environmental commitments globally. More information: 

    Since 2022 Elisa has invited it’s top suppliers to disclose their climate actions with CDP platform.

    Collaboration and shared goals with actors in the supply chain are crucial to achieving Elisa's net-zero emissions target for 2040. 

    Cooperation with the supply chain is already at a good level, as evidenced by Elisa's CDP Supplier Engagement Leader recognition in 2023. Among the more than 15,000 companies that reported to CDP, Elisa ranked at the top 8 per cent when it comes to assessing climate change-related supply chain engagement. 

  • Joint Alliance for CSR (JAC)

    We are member of the international Joint Alliance for CSR (JAC) of telecom operators. Cooperation with JAC promotes the management of supplier relations, our auditing capability and our knowledge of the industry’s best supply chain responsibility practices.  

    JAC aims to verify, assess and develop the corporate social responsibility implementation across the manufacturing centres of important multinational suppliers of the ICT industry. The members share resources and best practices to develop long term CSR implementation in the ICT supply chain at international level. Collaboration has significantly increased the number of audits and increased corrective actions, which are reported and tracked as part of JAC co-operation, driving a higher CSR standard across the supply chain. 

    As a member of Joint Alliance for CSR, Elisa conducts audits for its suppliers in accordance with JAC’s jointly specified criteria to improve responsibility and transparency in supply chains.

  • Ambitious climate targets

    Elisa has set climate targets according to the Paris Agreement.

    What we expect from our suppliers

    • Processes are in place to actively improve the efficiency of limited resources (such as energy, water, raw materials) in use.
    • Appropriate management, operational and technical controls are in place to evaluate the risks of and minimize the release of harmful emissions to the environment.
    • Appropriate measures are in place to improve the environmental performance of products and services when in use by the end user.
    • Innovative development of products and services that offer environmental and social benefits are supported