Ethics and Compliance

As a Finnish company that is becoming more international, it is important to act responsibly, ethically and lawfully in every situation. We have adopted the Elisa Code of Conduct based on our values. The Code enables us to cultivate a sustainable and successful business and assure our stakeholders of our trustworthiness. The Code is complemented by Elisa’s internal policies and guidelines.

Elisa Code of Conduct

The Elisa Code of Conduct outlines our way of working. The Elisa Code of Conduct is accepted as binding principles for the whole Elisa Group, all of our business and personnel.


Elisians, partners and other interest groups can report suspected violations of Elisa’s Code of Conduct to Elisa’s anonymous whistleblowing channel, or to other company channels.

Policies and guidelines

Elisa’s policies and guidelines complement the Elisa Code of Conduct in guiding our work.

Risk management

Risk management is an essential part of Elisa's internal control system. It aims to ensure that risks affecting the company's business are identified, influenced and monitored.