Equally Together

Experiences of equality matter when we build the future together. Research shows that when everyone can be boldly themselves, we also work better as a team and achieve better results. This applies to the whole society as well as work and hobby communities. Elisa has been supporting the realization of equality in many ways for years. Below you can learn more about our ways of promoting equality in society.

Operators & Equality

Elisa, DNA, and Telia have been working together for equality for several years. Cooperation between three competitors in the same industry is unique even on a global scale. The topic is important to each of us, and as significant employers, we also want to promote a more equal working life. Together.

Long-term work for the Well-being of Young People

The Shed Foundation, established by Elisa, supports diverse and inclusive child and youth work. The foundation produces creative performance opportunities and events such as musicals together with communities and partners that help children and youth. Elisa has been supporting young people in various forms for many years, especially against social exclusion. The Shed project beautifully combines young people and the power of diversity. Everyone has the right to be seen.

More Women to The Industry

We want to promote women's entry and employment in cybersecurity roles. To lower the threshold for women to enter cybersecurity roles, we are involved in the activities of the Women4Cyber Finland organization. The non-profit organization aims to strengthen the proportion of women in security and cybersecurity roles in various industries in different ways.

Enabling Peer Support for Seniors

In Finland, there is a large number of elderly people belonging to the rainbow minority who may not have the opportunity to talk with their peers face-to-face or even by phone. To solve this problem, Rainbow Seniors established a national peer phone service in 2024, which Elisa, DNA, and Telia enable. Rainbow Seniors is part of the national human rights and civic organization Seta.

Supporting Rainbow Youth

Young people belonging to the rainbow minority are a particularly vulnerable group who face a lot of discrimination and threats, for example, online and on social media. In 2024, Elisa, DNA, and Telia together support the activities of the online youth center Loiste. The online youth center Loiste is a Discord community for 13-20-year-old rainbow youth. All young people under 29 who belong to the sexual and gender minority, the rainbow community, or are affected by these themes in some way can participate in the activities.