Our Actions

At Elisa, sustainability is about actions in our everyday life. We take concrete actions in various areas of sustainability, aiming to support especially the most vulnerable in society. For us, sustainability also means innovations and utilizing technology to achieve a more sustainable future.

  • Digital Well-being for All

    We actively work to combat the harmful side effects of the digital world, such as security threats, harmful use of smart devices, and digital inequality.

  • Equally Together

    A diverse and inclusive society benefits us all. We promote equality both as an employer and as a societal actor.

  • Elisa from Finland

    As the only fully domestic operator, we promote well-being in Finnish society in many ways.

  • Let's Recycle

    Recycling electronic devices, such as phones, is an important environmental act. We encourage you to recycle your old devices and offer simple and secured ways to for it.

Current Highlights

  • Taxpayer

    Elisa paid 79% of the corporate taxes in its industry in 2023. We are the 9th largest corporate taxpayer in Finland. Almost half of this amount is paid to 40 different municipalities in Finland. Taxes fund common services for all of us.

  • SuperDigischool

    Elisa organized a digital well-being lesson for Finnish schoolchildren in collaboration with the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare, which was attended by over 70,000 middle school students from 420 different schools in the fall of 2024. The SuperDigischool will be held again in 2025.

  • Elisa's Age Recommendations

    Elisa published the first commercial age recommendations for children's smart devices. We do not recommend smartphones for children under 9 years old.