Elisa Consumer Services

We offer an extensive range of services to consumer customers. Our customers value effortless services, faster connections and new entertainment content. 

Continuous development of the customer experience is at the heart of our consumer customer service in all of our sales and service channels.

Man with a phone

Services for private customers in Finland

Elisa is the market leader in mobile and fixed network services in Finland and a forerunner in 5G networks. Our extensive offering for consumer customers includes mobile and fixed broadband connections, telephone subscriptions, devices, data security services, as well as highly popular Elisa Viihde and Elisa Kirja entertainment services. 

Woman with a phone

Services for private customers in Estonia

Elisa Eesti offers mobile communications, fixed internet connections, exciting entertainment services, Google Play solvency and M-ID service. Additionally Elisa Eesti is the largest provider of cable and network based entertainment and communication services operating in the Estonian market, offering customers television, Internet and telephone services.