
Elisa Corporation observes the recommendations of the Finnish Corporate Governance Code, which entered into force on 1 January 2020. We comply with law and our Code of Conduct in all our operations, and also expect it form our partners and suppliers.

  • Compliance

    As a Finnish corporation operating internationally, it is important to act responsibly, ethically and lawfully in every situation. 

    We have adopted the Elisa Code of Conduct based on our values. The Code enables us to cultivate a sustainable and successful business and assure our stakeholders of our trustworthiness. The Code is complemented by Elisa’s internal policies and guidelines.

  • Corporate Governance Statement

    Elisa publishes its Corporate Governance Statement as part of the Annual Report.

    The Audit Committee of Elisa’s Board has reviewed the Statement. The Statement is not updated during the financial year, but updated information is available on Elisa’s website.

  • Remuneration

    Elisa publishes its Remuneration Report as a separate document and as part of the Annual Report.

    Remuneration Policysets out the principles for remuneration of the Board of Directors, the Managing Director, and any potential Deputy Managing Director